IEEE– Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, being the world’s largest technical professional society, is continuously promoting the development and application of electrotechnology and allied sciences for the benefit of humanity and for the advancement of the profession. With the 4,30,000 members spanning across 165 countries of the globe, IEEE fosters the development of standards, that often became national and international standards and produces over 30% of the world’s literature in its related fields, publishing well over 100 peer- reviewed journals.


IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists. The mission of IEEE WIE is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally. IEEE WIE envisions a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity.

WIE ILS Tunisia

IEEE WIE ILS Tunisia 2018 is the first largest gathering of WIE members in all Tunisia that will be a part of IEEE WIE’s portfolio of global initiatives.

The summit gives a chance to the IEEE WIE Student Affinity Groups, IEEE Student Members, young professionals and women belonging to different fields of science and technology from all over Tunisia to gather at one place and learn new skills while polishing their expertise. They are provided with the platform to meet, socialize and share professional experiences with each other.

Under the theme “Lead beyond borders”, IEEE WIE ILS Tunisia aims to build communities and enable them to find their peers and build connections that result in mutual benefit for every attendee it is also designed to share the experiences of those men and women who made it to the top and bring the mentor-ship and guidance in the grasp of the young –the leaders of tomorrow.